Swimming, Sun & Fun: 5 Pool Safety Tips for Toddlers

Summer is about to be in full swing, and for kids around the country that means spending time in swimming pools. Whether that’s in your backyard, a community pool or when visiting friends and family, have a plan for keeping your toddlers safe while still letting them have fun. Remember, a little scare at this age can mean a lifelong fear of the water, so take care to keep them safe and feeling secure as they get used to this new experience. Here are some easy tips to help you enjoy some time in the pool with your little ones this summer:

1. Keep your eye – and hands – on the prize

The number one rule for keeping your toddler safe in the pool is keeping them within arm’s reach at all times. This means if they’re in the pool, you are, too. There’s no life preserver as trustworthy as a parent’s eyes, ears and hands.

2. Keep the pool area clear

Keep the area around the pool tidy and clutter-free. Pool toys laying on the deck can easily become a tripping hazard, and a skinned knee or unexpected dip in the pool isn’t anyone’s idea of a good time. If the toy isn’t in use, stow it neatly away in a pool rack or organizer. This not only helps keep everyone safe, it also helps extend the life of the pool toys.

3. Choose a good life preserver

Young children and inexperienced swimmers should wear a life jacket in the pool. Make sure it’s one approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. Be sure to purchase a flotation device that fits them now but also allows for adjustment as they grow. Check the preserver before each use to make sure it’s free of damage and still in good working condition. The American Red Cross has more information on buying the proper life jacket for your child.

4. Make the rules clear and stick to them

Make sure the kids know the rules and that there aren’t any exceptions. No running on the deck. No throwing things that could hurt someone. Always hang up your towel. These things might seem like nuisances to them, but you know they’re to keep them safe. The most important rule? No one ever gets in the pool without an adult.

5. Protect them from the sun

Applying a kid-safe sunscreen is a must, but don’t forget to reapply it, either. Better yet, keep a hat on their little heads — and sun-protective clothing can help, too. The best tip for sun safety though is to remember moderation is key; toddlers may not be able to spend all day playing in the sun the way their older siblings can, so plan to accommodate them with some shade, especially during the sun’s strongest times.

Following these simple tips can help you enjoy a relaxing summer poolside with the whole family and set up a foundation for enjoying a lifetime of fun in the sun.