Get Your Family’s Garden Growing

by National Wildlife Federation

Do you want to garden but fear you lack a “green thumb?” Not sure how to begin? Feel too busy to start and maintain a garden?

Fear not! Even if you’ve never gardened, or only have space for containers, there are simple and fun ways to get your family gardening together. You’ll enjoy growing your own food and flowers, spending quality family time outside, and helping provide food and shelter for local wildlife.

6 Simple Steps to Gardening Success

  1. Plan your space and what to plant
  2. Shop, Swap & Borrow tools, seeds, and starter plants
  3. Prepare soil for planting
  4. Plant what you’d like to grow
  5. Maintain by watering and weeding regularly
  6. Enjoy the fruits (vegetables and flowers) of your labor!

Download The Free Guide to Gardening With Kids Now;

Tons of Tips & Activities

American childhood has moved indoors during the last two decades, taking a mental and physical toll on today’s kids. The “Be Out There” movement from the National Wildlife Federation aims to get 10 million kids outside, running, and playing. Your child is one in a million, take the pledge to Be Out There and make them one of 10 million.

© 2012 National Wildlife Federation.