Get The Dirt On Dirt

by Be Out There - National Wildlife Federation

Dirt and germs can actually be good for kids. The things small children want to do outside, like building mud castles, splashing around in puddles and rolling down hills until their clothes are irreparably grass-stained… all those things that make moms reach for hand sanitizer and laundry detergent — may, in fact, be a grubby little prescription for health and happiness.

How Getting Dirty Outdoors Benefits Kids

While many times getting our hands dirty is frowned upon, the National Wildlife Federation’s Be Out There has some new facts and figures that may have you throwing your kids into the nearest mud puddle.

In the latest report we’ll reveal how getting down and dirty in the great outdoors — far from being a bad thing — helps children lead happier, healthier lives. Get in on our dirty little secret!

For the Health of it

When we let our kids play in dirt we’re not only allowing them to explore the wonders around them, we are also exposing them to healthy bacteria, parasites, and viruses that will inevitably create a much stronger immune system! Many kids who live in an ultraclean environment have a greater chance of suffering from allergies, asthma, and other autoimmune diseases that we would otherwise be protected from through the simple pleasure of playing with some nice common dirt.

The Joy of Dirt

Studies have shown that simply having contact with dirt, whether it’s through gardening, digging holes, or making pies out of mud, can significantly improve a child’s mood and reduce their anxiety and stress. Who knew, right? With antidepressant use in kids on the rise, an increasing number of experts are recognizing the role of nature in enhancing kids’ mental health. Dirt can even improve classroom performance. It’s easy to see the effect when you watch children play outside.

American childhood has moved indoors during the last two decades, taking a mental and physical toll on today’s kids. The “Be Out There” movement from the National Wildlife Federation aims to get 10 million kids outside, running, and playing. Your child is one in a million, take the pledge to Be Out There and make them one of 10 million.

© 2013 National Wildlife Federation.