Diabetes During Pregnancy

Moms-to-be who develop gestational diabetes aren’t destined to have high blood sugar levels later in life, according to new research. A new study finds that women who adjust their diet after birth can dramatically lower their risk. Learn about the DASH diet and others.

In the United States, approximately 5 percent of women who do not have diabetes before becoming pregnant are diagnosed with the condition while they’re expecting. This raises their risk of developing type 2 diabetes up to sevenfold. Women who adjust their diet after birth can dramatically lower their risk.

Women who followed a Mediterranean-style Diet were 40% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes and participants who followed the DASH diet were 46% less likely to develop diabetes. Both of these diets include plenty of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as poultry, seafood and nuts. For more information on the DASH diet, head to the National Institutes of Health website and search DASH.

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