More in Health & Wellness

Pregnancy – Vitamins Don’t Reduce Risk of Preeclampsia

No benefit seen from vitamin combination of C and E for pregnancy problems.

Pregnancy and Prescription Drugs

When women are expecting, they want to know that the medications they need to take won't do any harm.

10 ways to prevent kids’ injuries

Make safety a priority when it comes to your children with a few simple steps. Many injuries can be...

Health Alert: Are Your Kids Getting Enough Iron?

Kids are at greatest risk of iron deficiency during infancy and adolescence, when their diet may not meet the...

Workplace Hazards and Reproductive Health

Many factors can affect a woman's reproductive health and her ability to produce healthy children. We know that the...

Pregnancy by Age: Wellness at 20, 30, 40

You know from recent headlines that it's possible for women as old as 60 to become pregnant. But for...

Dental Care During Pregnancy

Research shows it's especially important for you to take good care of your teeth and gums while you are...

Pregnant Women and Influenza (Flu)

Flu is more likely to cause severe illness in pregnant women than in women who are not pregnant.

Autism Risks

Low-birth-weight babies may be at higher risk of autism.

Pregnancy Worries May Effect Babies’ Health Too

Anxiety, stress in pregnancy linked to later illness in babies.