The Best Pregnancy Diet: 7 Nutrients You Need

by Maureen Healy

Best Pregnancy Diet Nutrient No. 7: Calcium
Daily Requirement: 1,000 mg
Must be taken with vitamin D for proper absorption.
Food Sources:
Plain yogurt, milk, cheese, kale, tofu, spinach and almonds.

Best Pregnancy Diet Nutrient No. 6: Vitamin D
Daily Requirement: 600 IUs
Essential to help calcium absorption.
Food Sources:
Beef, liver, cheese, egg yolks, fortified milk, cereal, orange juice and yogurt.

Best Pregnancy Diet Nutrient No. 5: Iron
Daily Requirement: 27 mg
Helps form the parts of red blood cells that deliver oxygen to you and your baby.
Food Sources:
Fortified cereal, beans, lentils, tofu, spinach and raisins.

Best Pregnancy Diet Nutrient No. 4: Fiber
Daily Requirement:
28 g
Alleviates constipation, which is common in pregnancy.
Food Sources:
Raspberries, apples, dried figs, whole-grain bread, spaghetti, rice, peas and beans.

Best Pregnancy Diet Nutrient No. 3: Folate
Daily Requirement:
600 mcg
Critical during the earliest stages of pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects. (Note that folic acid is the synthetic form of folate found in supplements.)
Food Sources:
Leafy green vegetables, beef liver, lentils, asparagus, fortified cereal and orange juice.

Best Pregnancy Diet Nutrient No. 2: Choline
Daily Requirement:
450 mg
Works with folate to reduce neural tube defects in early pregnancy — and you can’t get enough with a supplement. Animal studies show choline is critical to developing the memory center in the brain.
Food Sources:
Egg yolk, broccoli, cauliflower, beef and pork.

Best Pregnancy Diet Nutrient No. 1: DHA
Daily Requirement:
300 mg
Supports brain, eye and central nervous system health.
Food Sources:
Cold water fish, such as tuna, salmon and mackerel. It’s OK to eat fish in moderation, but because of concerns about varying mercury levels in seafood, a purified fish oil supplement is the safest way to get this amount daily.


Maureen Healy is a freelance writer in Portland, Ore., who frequently contributes to Fit Pregnancy, New Parent, Baby & Toddler and Baby + You. She and her partner James McDonough are currently trying to get pregnant with their first child.