The Advantages of a Hydroponic Garden

Grow a hydroponic garden

As parents, we want a healthier lifestyle and diets, to find family activities and to foster teachable moments for our children. Gardening encourages kids to eat healthier and develop skills, including responsibility, self-confidence and decreased anxiety.

A hydroponic garden is a method of growing plants in nutrient-rich water instead of soil. In more recent years, hydroponics has become very popular; this type of gardening allows us to grow clean fruits and vegetables with very little effort. In learning about the advantages of a hydroponic garden, consider starting one with your kids.

Saves Space

Hydroponic gardens come in many different sizes. Luckily, these gardens can take up far less space than a garden planted in soil. Regular plant growing requires room for roots to spread out as they search for water to get nutrients. Hydroponic gardens give you size options. You can grow plants in an area as small as a kitchen counter, or you can opt for a larger grow system. This gives your little ones a small and controlled area to work on their garden.

Fewer Chemicals

Inevitably, plants will attract insects and pests. With a hydroponic garden, you may still deal with these creatures, but it’s far less likely, since most of these gardens are indoors. It utilizes a controlled area without soil or weed growth, so you don’t need any dangerous herbicides or pesticides – making it safe for both kids and pets.

Indoor Options

Hydroponic gardens are typically housed inside. By doing so, this also eliminates many independent variables, such as flash flooding, soil corrosion, and extreme temperatures from damaging your plants. Even on the windiest days, you and your children can still tend to the garden. It’s easy to start by getting hydroponic growing supplies and creating a dedicated space.

Health Benefits

With fewer chemicals in the growing process, the fruits and vegetables you grow will already boast more health benefits. In lieu of soil, hydroponic gardens use water mixed with a nutrient solution that plants can more easily soak up. Plants also cannot develop soil-borne illnesses in hydroponic gardens. Typically, by using this method, you’ll have healthier crops that grow faster and produce more at a time.

Discover the advantages of a hydroponic garden. You’ll find this is a great way to teach responsibility, plus you can enjoy a new project with your family. Children who care and take responsibility for growing vegetables may also find more interest in eating these tasty greens. Try out hydroponic growing for yourself to enjoy all of the benefits of growing beautiful plants.