Surviving Motherhood: 5 Ways to Regain Your Sanity

It’s true what they say—you’re never truly prepared to be a mom. In fact, for many women, the journey can be harder than they had imagined. Motherhood can feel like mere survival at times, but the following five suggestions can help you conquer challenges and own your role as a mom.

Wake Up Early

Those precious moments before sunrise are the calm before the storm. Wake up one hour before the chaos of getting ready to enjoy the peaceful quietude. The early morning can be a time of silent sacredness when you can meditate, reflect, enjoy a cup of coffee and just mentally prepare for the day ahead. Early morning can also be the time you feel most energized to exercise, tidy and organize, check email or complete miscellaneous tasks without interruption.

Remedy With Retail

At some point between late-night bottle feedings and defiant toddler tantrums, black yoga pants and sneakers replaced skinny jeans and heels. Comfort trumps style, and if you’re going to shop for anything, it’s going to be for diapers at Target. With motherhood comes sacrifice, but reclaiming your sense of style helps establish an identity separate from being a mom. Reinvest in fashion to reinvest in yourself. While the kids are down for a nap or when everyone’s in bed, check out some fashion boards on Pinterest or a mommy/style blog like Can I Wear That To Playgroup?. Not only can reuniting with your former stylish self perk you up, but it justifies an indulgent purchase like a beautiful new tote from Coach. And hey, you deserve it.

Sweat Out Stress

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom. In motherhood, we’re all on the same team, right? And although being a mom is the most rewarding job ever, it is arguably the most stressful. Exercise is the one proven way to detox from stress and reboot with positive energy—physically, mentally and emotionally.

Reserving time for workouts can feel like a selfish decision and lead to mommy guilt. But keep in mind, self-care and meeting your own needs helps ensure you’re the best mom possible for your children. Periods of unavailability that enhance your presence later on is better for your kids than being partially unavailable or resentful all the time, according to psychotherapist and LPC Ashley Eder on Ready to commit to fitness? offers these stress-lowering yoga and kickboxing moves.

Build a Team of Support

Motherhood can be challenging and isolating, and women need to talk it out. Whether you’re agonizing over a developmental concern or allergic reaction, it helps to ask for advice or get support from someone who shares your experiences. You may not even want a solution, just a friend with whom you can connect and share complaints.

Join a mommy group and set up a play date, or form friendships with other moms in online forums to find that support. Sometimes, moms need a social outlet for non-mommy activities and conversations. Commit to a date night or GNO—even if it’s just once a month—that doesn’t center around kids and parenthood.

Find Your Place in The Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of a home, but for a weary mom with Cheerios stuck in her hair and a baby on her hip, the kitchen can feel like a battlefield. Transform the kitchen into a sanctuary by turning to healthy cooking as your therapy. Use cooking and trying new delicious recipes as an experience for mindfulness and way to nourish your family. If cooking feels like too much stress, cook a great meal (or even dessert) just once or twice a week. Check out Hungry Happens for easy and healthy recipes.