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Pregnancy & Birthing Masterclass: Making Empowered Choices

Join our Virtual Masterclass where we explore how to make empowered choices throughout your pregnancy.

The Benefits of ThetaHealing in Pregnancy

ThetaHealing in pregnancy can be really beneficial to address emotional feelings like fear, anxiety and worry that can cause...

Rebozo or Belly Sifting to Position Your Baby for Birth

Belly Sifting or Rebozo Manteada can help your baby find an optimal position for birth. You can do this...

Belly Mapping Your Baby’s Position During Pregnancy

Through belly mapping, you can get a great sense of your baby’s position and get acquainted with what’s happening...

Pregnancy and Sleep Position

Sleeping on your back late in pregnancy may increase the risk for adverse outcomes, according to a new study.

Treating Morning Sickness

What's the best way to ease the nausea and vomiting that often comes with pregnancy?

Swimming, Sun & Fun: 5 Pool Safety Tips for Toddlers

Summer's in full swing, and for kids that means spending time in swimming pools. Whether that's in your backyard,...

Preparing the Non Toxic Nest for Baby

When a baby is on the way, your nesting instincts kick-in. When getting babies' room ready, the last thing...

Natural Childbirth: Hypnobabies

Every woman's childbirthing experience is unique. The question is, will the experience be a positive one? Explore natural childbirth...

Chemical Concerns? Antibacterial Product Safety

Are antibacterial compounds found in soaps and other products safe for pregnant women and their fetuses?

Breastfeeding and Breast Sagging

How will breast-feeding affect the appearance of my breasts? Does nursing cause sagging?

Morning Sickness and Nausea

Good news if you're one of the more than 50 percent of pregnant women experiencing morning sickness.